Georgetown Quitman County GA

City/County Commission

The Unified Government of Georgetown-Quitman County Commission

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The governmental and corporate powers, duties, and functions are used now vested in the governing authority of the City of Georgetown, a municipal corporation charted by an Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved May 6, 2005 (H.B No 757, Act 216), are hereby unified with the governmental and corporate powers, duties, and functions of Quitman County.  This unification resulted in the creation and establishment of a single county-wide government with powers and jurisdiction throughout the territorial limits of Quitman County, which single government shall supersede and replace the governments of the City of Georgetown and Quitman County from and after the effective date of the charter, the political subdivision known as Quitman County, Georgia, and the municipal corporation known as the City of Georgetown, Georgia, shall be unified into the said new political entity herein created.

The general duties of the Commissioners are:

  • To enact resolutions and ordinances for the general health, safety and welfare of the residents of Georgetown-Quitman County.
  • To levy taxation when necessary to finance the operation of the county government.
  • To approve an annual budget of revenues and expenditures.
  • To maintain County infrastructure and buildings.
  • To plan for future public service needs.
  • To provide necessary services to safeguard the well-being and safety of the residents.

County commissioners have authority over the construction and maintenance of local roads, election facilities and equipment, parks and recreational facilities.  The Board of Commissioners directs the provision of fire services, emergency preparedness, emergency medical services and rescue units, should you ever need them.

Georgia county commissioners affect the lives of residents more directly -- and more often -- than the governor, state senators and representatives, judges, the mayor, the sheriff or their employers.


Regular Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioners Chambers, 25 Old School Rd., Georgetown, GA 39854
(Special meetings are called when necessary). 


Board of Commissioners
P. O. Box 114
25 Old School Road
Georgetown-Ga 39854

Phone:  229-334-0903
Fax: 229-234-3236

(Grove Street is also known as Old School Road, and Middle Street is also known as US Hwy 82).

Find Us Here GPS Location: 31.88502353,-85.10064612

The Board of Commissioners

Chairman            Carvel Lewis       Post 3

Vice Chairman     David Kinsey       Post 4

Commissioner     Willie Bussey       Post 5

Commissioner     Jerry Greene        Post 1

Commissioner     Richard Baggett    Post 2